Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kim Without Makeup

Hate her as much as you like, the girl still looks good without makeup. That ought to make all you haters get a quick bout of indigestion! ;)

I swear, Kim is a Latina, but just doesn't know it. I mean, I'm no expert on Armenians, but those are some definite latin genes I see going on right here. Anyway, she is rocking it without all the makeup she's usually seen wearing it, and that's because you just can't beat that bones structure and those perfectly balanced features! Kim is looking a bit Cher-like in this pic, so perhaps Armenians and Latinos share some lineage. I dunno....I guess I'll check Wikipedia on that.

Anyway, go, Kim! Show 'em what you're workin' with! Haters SIT DOWN!

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